史蒂夫·班农请求最高法院推迟对藐视国会罪的监禁判决。 Steve Bannon seeks Supreme Court delay of prison sentence for contempt-of-Congress conviction.
特朗普前顾问史蒂夫·班农请求美国最高法院推迟他的监禁,同时他对藐视国会的判决提出上诉,因为他无视众议院调查 2021 年国会大厦袭击事件委员会的传票。 Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon asked the US Supreme Court to delay his prison sentence while he appeals his contempt-of-Congress conviction for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the 2021 Capitol attack. 班农被判两项藐视国会罪,入狱四个月,并于7月1日限期自首。 Bannon was convicted of two counts of contempt of Congress and sentenced to four months in prison, with a deadline to surrender on July 1.