史蒂夫·班农因无视众议院 1 月 6 日的委员会传票而被判两项藐视国会罪,并被判处四个月监禁。 Steve Bannon was convicted on two counts of contempt of Congress and sentenced to four months in prison for ignoring a House Jan. 6 committee subpoena.
史蒂夫·班农的辩护策略是依靠律师罗伯特·科斯特洛的建议来避免入狱,声称行政特权使他可以无视众议院 1 月 6 日的委员会传票,但这一策略失败了。 Steve Bannon's defense strategy to avoid prison by relying on attorney Robert Costello's advice, claiming that executive privilege allowed him to ignore a House Jan. 6 committee subpoena, failed. 这是因为特朗普律师贾斯汀·克拉克(Justin Clark)书面声明称,特朗普没有为班农援引行政特权,也没有建议他隐瞒证词或文件。 This was due to Trump lawyer Justin Clark's written statement that Trump did not invoke executive privilege for Bannon and did not advise him to withhold testimony or documents.