特朗普法官因伪造商业记录而推迟判刑,直到他担任主席之后。 Judge postpones Trump's sentencing for falsifying business records until after his presidency.
纽约法官胡安·梅尔尚推迟了对当选总统唐纳德·特朗普原订于11月26日伪造商业记录的判刑。 New York Judge Juan Merchan has postponed President-elect Donald Trump's sentencing for falsifying business records, originally set for November 26. 曼哈顿地区检察官办公室Alvin Bragg并不反对进一步拖延, 认为此案可以推迟到特朗普总统任期于2029年结束后。 Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office does not oppose further delays, suggesting the case could be deferred until after Trump's presidency ends in 2029. Trump的律师主张以总统豁免为由驳回此案, Trump's lawyers have argued for dismissing the case due to presidential immunity, while prosecutors maintain the conviction should stand.