法官命令特朗普盟友史蒂夫·班农在 1 月 6 日国会骚乱调查中藐视国会,并在 7 月 1 日之前自首。 Judge orders Steve Bannon, Trump ally, to surrender to prison by July 1st for contempt of Congress in Jan. 6th Capitol riot probe.
法官命令特朗普盟友史蒂夫·班农在 7 月 1 日之前到监狱自首,服刑 4 个月,因为他无视众议院委员会有关 1 月 6 日国会大厦骚乱调查的传票。 Judge orders Steve Bannon, Trump ally, to surrender to prison by July 1st to serve his 4-month sentence for defying a House committee's subpoena relating to the Jan. 6th Capitol riot probe. 班农拒绝按要求作证或提供文件。 Bannon refused to testify or provide documents as instructed.