史蒂夫·班农 (Steve Bannon) 无视 1 月 6 日的叛乱传票,因藐视法庭罪被判处 4 个月监禁,随后被送往联邦监狱自首。 Steve Bannon surrenders to federal prison for 4-month contempt sentence, defying January 6 insurrection subpoena.
美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普的盟友史蒂夫·班农因藐视法庭罪被判处 4 个月监禁,现已进入联邦监狱服刑。 Steve Bannon, an ally of former US President Donald Trump, has surrendered to federal prison to serve a 4-month sentence for contempt charges. 班农因拒绝服从众议院调查 1 月 6 日美国国会大厦叛乱事件委员会发出的传票而被判有罪。 Bannon was found guilty of defying a subpoena issued by the House committee investigating the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol. 他因藐视国会而被联邦法官判处入狱服刑。 He was ordered to serve time in prison after being held in contempt of Congress by a federal judge.