阿肯色州联邦法官驳回了对联邦工人堕胎休假规则提出质疑的诉讼。 Federal judge in Arkansas dismisses lawsuit challenging federal rules for workers' abortion time off.
阿肯色州一名联邦法官驳回了一起诉讼,该诉讼质疑联邦为堕胎工人提供休假和住宿的规定。 A federal judge in Arkansas has dismissed a lawsuit challenging federal rules providing workers with time off and accommodation for abortions. 以阿肯色州和田纳西州为首的州认为这些规定超出了2022年《孕妇工人公平法案》的范围,但他们提出的初步禁令请求被驳回。 The states led by Arkansas and Tennessee argued the rules went beyond the scope of the 2022 Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, but their request for a preliminary injunction was denied. 平等就业机会委员会的规定将生效,允许工人申请休假去堕胎并在手术后恢复。 The EEOC rules will take effect, allowing workers to request time off to obtain an abortion and recover from the procedure.