法官以越权为由阻止拜登加强堕胎、性别转换患者隐私的规定。 Judge blocks Biden rule enhancing privacy for abortion, gender transition patients, citing overreach.
得克萨斯州一名联邦法官阻止了一项Biden行政规则,该规则旨在加强对寻求堕胎的妇女和接受性别过渡治疗的病人的隐私保护。 A federal judge in Texas has blocked a Biden administration rule aimed at enhancing privacy protections for women seeking abortions and patients undergoing gender transition treatments. Matthew Kacsmaryk法官裁定,该规则可能超出了联邦权力范围,并停止执行。 Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ruled that the rule likely exceeded federal authority and halted its enforcement. 在最高法院2022年推翻了Roe诉Wade案的裁决之后,这一决定影响到确保获得生殖保健服务的努力。 The decision affects efforts to secure reproductive healthcare access following the Supreme Court's 2022 ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade.