美国平等就业机会委员会 (EEOC) 规定雇主必须满足生殖健康需求。 U.S. EEOC declares employers must accommodate reproductive health needs.
美国平等就业机会委员会宣布雇主必须适应堕胎、节育和工人怀孕等情况,扩大支持员工生殖健康需求的义务。 The U.S. EEOC declares employers must accommodate abortions, birth control, and worker pregnancies, extending the obligation to support employees' reproductive health needs. 该决定由执行工作场所歧视法的机构宣布,要求雇主有责任确保工人能够获得堕胎和避孕服务。 This decision, announced by the agency enforcing workplace discrimination laws, places a responsibility on employers to ensure workers have access to abortion and contraception services.