印第安纳州的美国公民自由联盟和计划生育组织对印第安纳州扩大堕胎禁令的上诉. ACLU of Indiana and Planned Parenthood appeal against expanded Indiana criminal abortion ban.
印地安那州和计划生育联盟对巡回法院驳回其扩大印地安那州刑事堕胎禁令请求的裁决提出上诉。 The ACLU of Indiana and Planned Parenthood have appealed a circuit court ruling that denied their request to expand Indiana's criminal abortion ban. 他们寻求永久禁令,以扩大医疗豁免范围,防止堕胎仅限于医院。 They sought a permanent injunction to broaden medical exemptions and prevent abortions from being limited to hospitals. 在最高法院于2022年6月推翻Roe诉Wade案之后,印第安纳州实施了更严格的堕胎限制。 Following the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, Indiana implemented stricter abortion restrictions. 该案现在将提交印第安纳上诉法院。 The case will now proceed to the Indiana Court of Appeals.