Rystad Energy 首席执行官预测,日本可以通过扩大太阳能和风能的使用到 2060 年实现能源独立。 Rystad Energy CEO predicts Japan could achieve energy independence by 2060 through expansion of solar and wind power.
Rystad Energy 首席执行官预测,日本可以通过扩大太阳能和风能、蓄电池以及多种可再生能源的使用,到 2060 年实现能源独立。 Rystad Energy CEO predicts Japan could achieve energy independence by 2060 through expansion of solar and wind power, storage batteries, and a mix of renewable energy sources. 到 2060 年,日本将拥有 45% 的太阳能、30% 的风能、5% 的水能、5% 的生物质能和电子燃料,核能将提供 15%。 By 2060, Japan could have 45% solar power, 30% wind power, 5% hydropower, 5% biomass, and e-fuel, with nuclear providing 15%. 创新的解决方案,例如将太阳能发电场与农业相结合以及在道路上方建造太阳能屋顶,可以促进进步。 Innovative solutions, like solar farms mixed with agriculture and solar rooftops above roads, could aid progress.