由于人工智能和数据中心的不可预测的增长, 日本难以预测未来的电力需求。 Japan struggles to predict future electricity demand due to the unpredictable growth of AI and data centers.
日本经济、贸易和工业部(METI)认为,预测数据中心和新的AI技术(如DeepSeek)的兴起将如何影响未来的电力需求具有挑战性。 Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) finds it challenging to predict how the rise of data centers and new AI technologies, like DeepSeek, will affect future electricity demand. AI的推广和能源效率的提高等因素使预测复杂化。 Factors such as the spread of AI and improvements in energy efficiency complicate predictions. METI强调,确保清洁电力来源对日本的经济增长和工业竞争力至关重要。 METI emphasizes that securing clean power sources is vital for Japan's economic growth and industrial competitiveness.