如果特朗普在国会分裂的情况下获胜,历史数据表明股市回报率平均。 If Trump wins with a divided Congress, historical data suggests average stock market returns.
如果唐纳德·特朗普赢得美国大选,而国会仍然存在分歧,历史数据表明股市可能不会暴跌。 If Donald Trump wins the US election and Congress remains divided, historical data suggests the stock market may not plunge. 过去的情形表明,类似的政治形势导致股市回报率平均,并经历一段稳定和增长的时期。 Past scenarios indicate similar political situations led to average stock market returns, with periods of stability and growth. 然而,由于国会内部分歧,重大立法变化较少,这可能会限制影响市场的事件。 However, fewer major legislation changes occur due to the divided Congress, which can limit market-moving events.