2020年美国总统选举民意测验显示哈里斯和特朗普之间的竞争非常激烈,引起人们对可能会影响股市的争议结果的关切。 2020 US presidential election polls show a close race between Harris and Trump, raising concerns for a contested outcome that could impact the stock market.
随着美国总统大选的临近, 民调显示民主党人卡玛拉·哈里斯与共和党人唐纳德·特朗普之间的竞争紧密, As the US presidential election nears, polls indicate a close race between Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump, raising concerns about a potentially contested outcome. 尽管股市目前增长,但这种不确定性可能会影响股市,因为历史显示,有争议的选举可能导致下跌。 This uncertainty could impact the stock market, despite its current growth, as history shows contested elections can lead to declines. 建议投资者防范波动,对其投资组合进行套期保值,并考虑公用事业股票和黄金等更安全的资产。 Investors are advised to prepare for volatility by hedging their portfolios and considering safer assets like utility stocks and gold.