亚当·马歇尔 (Adam Marshall) 宣布退出政坛 20 年后。 Adam Marshall announces resignation from politics after 20 years.
北部高原议员亚当·马歇尔 (Adam Marshall) 退出政坛,此前他曾担任农业部长十多年。 Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall resigns from politics after 20 years, having served as Agriculture Minister for over a decade. 他感谢新南威尔士州农村地区的支持,强调为农村社区服务的重要性,并计划在企业界和个人生活中寻求机会。 He thanks rural NSW for their support, emphasizing the importance of serving rural communities, and plans to pursue opportunities in the corporate world and his personal life. 此次辞职是本届议会期间的第一次补选。 This resignation marks the first byelection during this term of parliament.