艾伯塔省的幕僚长,成瘾战略的关键人物,在批评中退休,罗伯·安德森 (Rob Anderson) 成为继任者。 Alberta's Chief of Staff, key figure in addiction strategy, retires amid criticism, with Rob Anderson as successor.
艾伯塔省以康复为重点的吸毒成瘾战略的主要设计师兼参谋长马歇尔·史密斯本月晚些时候将在11月2日丹妮尔·史密斯总理对领导层进行审查之前退休。 Marshall Smith, Alberta's Chief of Staff and key architect of the province's recovery-focused addiction strategy, will retire later this month, just before Premier Danielle Smith's leadership review on November 2. 尽管从减少危害转向恢复,但他的任职期因吸毒过量死亡率上升而遭到批评。 His tenure has faced criticism due to rising overdose deaths, despite a shift from harm reduction to recovery. Smith计划就退休后吸毒成瘾问题提供咨询,Rob Anderson将接替他。 Smith plans to advise on addiction issues post-retirement, with Rob Anderson set to succeed him.