拥有17年政治经验的马克·库尔顿(Mark Coulton)在从政近20年后宣布退休。 17-year political veteran Mark Coulton announces retirement after nearly 20 years in politics.
马克·库尔顿(Mark Coulton)在从政近20年后回顾了他17年的政治生涯;他将退休,因为包括 The Inverell Times、Namoi Valley Independent、Narromine News、Wellington Times 和 Nyngan Observer 在内的多个新闻来源都报道了他的决定和显着贡献。 Mark Coulton reflects on his 17-year political career after almost 20 years in politics; he is set to retire, as multiple news sources including The Inverell Times, Namoi Valley Independent, Narromine News, Wellington Times, and Nyngan Observer report on his decision and notable contributions.