17年的政治退伍军人马克·库尔顿结束了他的职业生涯,担任各种地方角色。 17-year political veteran Mark Coulton concludes his career, serving in various local roles.
马克·库尔顿在政坛17年之后告别。 After 17 years in politics, Mark Coulton says farewell. 这名政治人物在当地各种新闻来源中出名,曾担任过代表Narromine、惠灵顿和Nyngan等职务。 The politician, featured in various local news sources, has served in roles including representing Narromine, Wellington, and Nyngan. 随着他继续前进,库尔顿留下了一个以奉献精神和公共服务为特点的职业生涯。 As he moves on, Coulton leaves behind a career marked by dedication and public service.