自由党议员保罗·弗莱彻退休,削弱了该党的温和派,并开放了他的悉尼席位。 Liberal MP Paul Fletcher retires, weakening the party's moderate wing and opening his Sydney seat.
Paul Fletcher, 一位资深自由党议员, 在下届选举前宣布退出联邦政治, Paul Fletcher, a senior Liberal Party MP, announced his retirement from federal politics ahead of the next election, leaving his Sydney seat of Bradfield open. 2022年,独立候选人Nicolete Boele几乎胜出。 This comes after a significant swing against him in 2022, where independent candidate Nicolette Boele nearly won. Fletcher的离开,连同Simon Birmingham的辞职,削弱了自由党的温和派,可使独立候选人受益。 Fletcher's departure, along with Simon Birmingham's resignation, weakens the Liberal Party's moderate faction and could benefit independent candidates.