朝鲜声称成功发射了装有高超音速弹头的中程弹道导弹。 N.Korea claims successful launch of IRBM tipped with hypersonic warhead.
朝鲜声称成功试射了一枚配备高超音速弹头的新型中程弹道导弹(IRBM),名为“火星-16”。 North Korea has claimed a successful test-fire of a new intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) named Hwasong-16, equipped with a hypersonic warhead. 这次导弹试验标志着朝鲜自 2017 年以来首次发射此类武器,据说现在具有固体燃料和核能力。 The missile test marks the first time North Korea has launched such a weapon since 2017 and is said to now be solid-fuel and nuclear-capable. 此次试验是在朝鲜加强一系列武器试验之前进行的,发生在 4 月 15 日已故开国元勋金日成诞辰纪念日和 4 月 25 日朝鲜人民革命军成立纪念日之前。 The test follows a series of increased weapons tests by North Korea and occurs ahead of the April 15 birthday celebration of late founder Kim Il-sung and the April 25 founding anniversary of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army.