朝鲜声称成功进行多弹头导弹试验,展示了分导式多弹头导弹能力。 North Korea claims successful multiple-warhead missile test, demonstrating MIRV capability.
据朝鲜中央通讯社报道,朝鲜声称已成功测试其多弹头导弹能力。 North Korea claims it has successfully conducted a test of its multiple-warhead missile capability, according to state-run KCNA news agency. 此次试验涉及单个机动弹头的分离和制导控制,旨在确保分导式多弹头导弹的能力。 The test involved the separation and guidance control of individual mobile warheads, aimed at securing the MIRV capability. 这项技术使一枚弹道导弹能够携带多枚弹头,用于攻击不同的目标。 This technology allows a single ballistic missile to carry multiple warheads that can be directed to different targets.