在保证加强核准备之后,北朝鲜于2024年9月12日发射了一枚弹道导弹。 North Korea launched a ballistic missile on September 12, 2024, after pledging to enhance nuclear readiness.
北朝鲜于2024年9月12日向朝鲜东部水域发射了一枚弹道导弹,标志着朝鲜在两个月多的时间里首次进行武器试验。 North Korea launched a ballistic missile into its eastern waters on September 12, 2024, marking its first weapons test in over two months. 这次发射是在领导人金正恩承诺加强核准备以对付美国领导的军事集团所察觉的威胁后不久发生的。 This launch occurred shortly after leader Kim Jong Un pledged to enhance nuclear readiness against perceived threats from the U.S.-led military bloc. 自2022年以来,北朝鲜加紧了武器试验,促使美国和南朝鲜增加军事演习,北朝鲜认为这是入侵的准备。 Since 2022, North Korea has intensified its weapons testing, prompting increased military drills by the U.S. and South Korea, which North Korea views as invasion preparations.