乌克兰指出,俄罗斯使用的北朝鲜导弹已经有所改进,构成了更广泛的威胁。 Ukraine notes North Korean missiles, used by Russia, have improved, posing a wider threat.
乌克兰报告说,自12月底以来,俄罗斯部队使用的北朝鲜导弹的准确性有了显著改善。 Ukraine reports a significant improvement in the accuracy of North Korean missiles used by Russian forces since late December. 乌克兰高级消息来源表示,北朝鲜可能利用冲突试验其导弹技术,这标志着对南朝鲜、日本的潜在威胁,而美国北朝鲜的导弹计划已迅速发展,包括可携带核弹头的短程和中程导弹。 Senior Ukrainian sources suggest North Korea might be using the conflict to test its missile technology, marking a potential threat to South Korea, Japan, and the U.S. North Korea's missile program has advanced rapidly, including short- and intermediate-range missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. 这是第一次在战斗中试验这些武器。 This is the first time these weapons have been tested in combat.