北朝鲜测试长程巡航导弹,这是金正恩监督的武力表现。 North Korea tests long-range cruise missiles, a show of force overseen by Kim Jong Un.
北韩于1月25日进行了一次战略巡航导弹试验, North Korea conducted a strategic cruise missile test on January 25, overseen by leader Kim Jong Un. 导弹飞程1 500公里,击中目标,突显了该国军事能力的进步。 The missiles traveled 1,500 kilometers and hit their targets, highlighting the country's advancements in military capabilities. 这一考验是在紧张中进行的,是北朝鲜加强战争威慑和国防努力的一部分。 This test comes amid tensions and is part of North Korea's efforts to strengthen its war deterrence and national defense.