伊朗的一场明目张胆的 iPhone 骗局反映了该国的经济困境以及与西方的紧张关系。 A brazen iPhone scam in Iran reflects its economic struggles and tensions with the West.
伊朗的一起 iPhone 骗局凸显了该国的经济困境以及与西方的紧张关系,据称一名企业主实施了价值数百万美元的庞氏骗局,而政府则禁止苹果 iPhone 14 和 15,导致旧手机的平行经济。 An iPhone scam in Iran highlights the country's economic struggles and tensions with the West, as a business owner allegedly ran a multimillion-dollar Ponzi scheme while the government banned Apple's iPhone 14 and 15, leading to a parallel economy for older handsets. 数十年来西方的制裁、核计划的快速进展以及对中东代理民兵的支持增加,导致伊朗的经济困境进一步恶化,导致议会选举前对异议人士进行暴力镇压。 Iran's economic woes are worsened by decades of Western sanctions, rapid nuclear program advancements, and increased support for proxy militias in the Middle East, resulting in violent crackdowns on dissent ahead of parliamentary elections.