伊朗面临广泛的停电,可能与未经授权的比特币采矿有关。 Iran faces widespread power blackouts, potentially linked to unauthorized Bitcoin mining.
伊朗自10月以来在其首都和各省经历了滚动停电,扰乱了日常生活和商业。 Iran has experienced rolling power blackouts in its capital and provinces since October, disrupting daily life and businesses. 虽然多种因素可能促成断电,但一些人怀疑未经授权的加密货币开采,特别是Bitcoin,可能是一个重要因素。 While multiple factors likely contribute to the outages, some suspect that unauthorized cryptocurrency mining, particularly for Bitcoin, may be a significant factor. 比特币开采需要大量电力,而且由于伊朗提供补贴费率,据报未经授权的采矿作业激增。 Bitcoin mining requires substantial electricity, and with Iran offering subsidized rates, unauthorized mining operations have reportedly surged. 政府因报告没有许可证的采矿农场而给予奖励,因为据认为这些农场造成消费异常增加,扰乱电力网络。 The government has offered rewards for reporting unlicensed mining farms, as they are believed to cause abnormal increases in consumption and disrupt power networks.