伊朗最高领袖呼吁网络空间管制, Iran's Supreme Leader calls for cyberspace regulation, referencing global trends and site shutdowns.
伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊(Ali Khamenei)呼吁监管网络空间, Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has called for the regulation of cyberspace, citing global trends and the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France as an example. 伊朗对互联网实行严格管制, 常常封锁社交媒体平台, Iran has strict internet controls, often blocking social media platforms and charging users based on shared posts. 根据"Access Now"的数据,该国在2023年全球关闭的排名第三. The country ranked third globally in shutdowns in 2023, according to Access Now. 哈梅内伊的言论尽管总统马苏德·佩泽什基安在竞选中承诺放松伊朗的互联网限制. Khamenei's remarks come despite President Masoud Pezeshkian's campaign promises to ease internet restrictions in Iran.