伊朗被怀疑是黑客攻击美国选举相关人员, Iran suspected of hacking U.S. election-linked individuals and plotting assassinations.
伊朗涉嫌企图黑客与美国总统大选有关联的个人, 并密谋暗杀前总统唐纳德·特朗普及其他官员。 Iran is suspected of attempting to hack individuals linked to the U.S. presidential election and plotting assassinations of former President Donald Trump and other officials. 这种行为反映了伊朗自1979年伊斯兰革命以来长期以来的网络攻击和定点清除的历史。 This behavior reflects Iran's longstanding history of cyberattacks and targeted killings since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. 2000年代斯特克斯网病毒的出现促使伊朗加强其黑客入侵能力,导致在紧张的国际气候中不断威胁美国的目标。 The emergence of the Stuxnet virus in the 2000s prompted Iran to enhance its hacking capabilities, leading to ongoing threats against U.S. targets in a tense international climate.