伊利诺伊州法官因第十四修正案“叛乱条款”而禁止特朗普参加初选。 Illinois judge bars Trump from primary ballot due to 14th Amendment "insurrection clause".
伊利诺伊州一名法官裁定,根据第十四修正案的“叛乱条款”,禁止前总统唐纳德·特朗普参加下个月的该州初选。 An Illinois judge ruled that former President Donald Trump is barred from appearing on the state's primary ballot next month based on the "insurrection clause" of the 14th Amendment. 这一决定使伊利诺伊州成为第三个将特朗普从 2024 年投票中剔除的州,此前科罗拉多州和缅因州也做出了类似决定。 This decision makes Illinois the third state to remove Trump from its 2024 ballot, following similar decisions in Colorado and Maine. 伊利诺伊州案件和类似挑战的最终结果可能会由美国最高法院做出决定,该法院于 2 月 8 日听取了与特朗普投票资格有关的论点。 The final outcome of the Illinois case and similar challenges will likely be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, which heard arguments related to Trump's ballot eligibility on Feb. 8.