美国最高法院一致做出有利于特朗普的裁决,允许他参加联邦公职选举。 The US Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Trump, allowing him on federal office ballots.
美国最高法院一致做出有利于唐纳德·特朗普的裁决,阻止各州根据有关叛乱的宪法条款禁止联邦职位候选人投票。 The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of Donald Trump, preventing states from barring candidates for federal office from ballots based on a constitutional provision concerning insurrection. 然而,尽管以 9 比 0 的判决结果,法院仍然存在严重分歧,法官们的推理各不相同,并且在措辞上互相指责。 However, despite the 9-0 decision, the court remained deeply divided, with justices differing on their reasoning and sniping at each other over their choice of words. 这项裁决标志着科罗拉多州法院一项具有里程碑意义的裁决的逆转,该裁决认为特朗普因其 1 月 6 日的行为而不符合宪法。 The ruling marked a reversal of a landmark Colorado court decision that found Trump constitutionally ineligible due to his actions on January 6.