迈克菲法官驳回了特朗普根据第一修正案对佐治亚州选举案起诉的质疑。 Judge McAfee denies Trump's First Amendment challenge to indictment in Georgia election case.
法官斯科特·迈克菲驳回了唐纳德·特朗普根据第一修正案对佐治亚州选举案起诉的质疑。 Judge Scott McAfee has denied Donald Trump's First Amendment challenge to indictment in Georgia election case. 法官裁定,特朗普推翻 2020 年大选结果的行为不受第一修正案保护,他的言论和行为据称是为了促进犯罪活动。 The judge ruled that Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election were not protected by the First Amendment, and that his statements and actions were allegedly made in furtherance of criminal activity. 该裁决驳回了特朗普以言论自由为由驳回此案的企图。 This ruling denies Trump's attempt to dismiss the case on free speech grounds.