研究发现,VR 踏步运动游戏可减少老年人跌倒和慢性疼痛。 VR stepping exercise game reduces falls & chronic pain in older adults, study finds.
通过游戏组件进行虚拟步进练习可以带来现实生活中的健康益处,包括减少疼痛和跌倒。 Engaging in virtual step exercises with a gaming component can lead to real-life health benefits, including a reduction in pain and falls. 澳大利亚神经科学研究所进行的研究发现,这些活动可以有效防止 65 岁以上老年人跌倒,同时还能促进持续参与,降低跌倒风险,并可能缓解与衰老相关的认知能力下降。 Research conducted by the Neuroscience Research Australia found that these activities effectively prevent falls in individuals over 65, while also promoting ongoing engagement, reducing the risk of falls, and potentially mitigating cognitive decline associated with aging. 在澳大利亚,每年有三分之一的 65 岁或以上老人经历过跌倒,随着该国人口老龄化,跌倒成为一个日益严重的健康问题。 Each year in Australia, one in three people aged 65 or over experience a fall, making it an increasingly significant health issue with the country's aging population.