研究将过度的屏幕时间和不活动与认知下降和“数字痴呆症”风险联系起来。 Study links excessive screen time and inactivity to cognitive decline and "digital dementia" risk.
最近的一项研究强调,过长的屏幕时间和不够充分的练习可能导致“数字痴呆”,这包括记忆问题和认知下降。 A recent study highlights that excessive screen time and insufficient exercise may lead to "digital dementia," which includes memory issues and cognitive decline. 长时间无活动可能会对大脑功能产生消极影响,增加痴呆的风险,特别是对年轻人而言。 Long periods of inactivity can negatively affect brain function and increase the risk of dementia, particularly in younger individuals. 专家建议每天定期运动和短暂休息, Experts advise incorporating regular exercise and short breaks throughout the day to combat sedentary lifestyles and support cognitive health.