我去了专门为交易员开设的精英私人训练馆,那里可以同时锻炼你的头脑和身体。 这或许就是健身的未来。 I went to the elite personal training gym for traders that works your mind and your body at the same time. This may be the future of fitness.
NeuroTracker 是新加坡的一家未来主义健身房,它将身体训练和认知训练融为一体,吸引了各类运动的顶尖运动员、战斗机飞行员和股票交易员。 NeuroTracker, a futuristic gym in Singapore, combines physical and cognitive training, appealing to elite athletes in various sports, fighter pilots, and stock traders. 据说,这个创新健身空间中的六分钟游戏可以增强记忆力、反应时间、注意力和整体思维清晰度。 The six-minute game in this innovative fitness space is said to enhance memory, reaction time, focus, and overall mental clarity. 随着高端健身房开始投资认知训练,NeuroTracker 或许可以让我们一窥整体脑身健身的未来。 As high-end fitness gyms begin to invest in cognitive training, NeuroTracker may be a glimpse into the future of holistic, brain-body fitness.