在奥克兰举行的研讨会上,新西兰老年人参加了研讨会,这是一个共同问题,每年影响30%的人口。 Symposium in Auckland tackles falls among older New Zealanders, a common issue affecting 30% annually.
2 月 5 日在奥克兰举行的研讨会将解决新西兰老年人跌倒的问题,这个问题每年影响大约 30% 的 65 岁以上的人,以及 60% 的住宅护理人员。 A symposium on February 5 in Auckland will address the issue of falls among older New Zealanders, a problem affecting about 30% of those over 65 annually, and 60% in residential care. 来自欧洲、澳大利亚和新西兰的专家将分享关于预防跌落的研究,包括新的可穿戴装置,以便在臀部外科手术后进行移动和恢复。 Experts from Europe, Australia, and New Zealand will share research on preventing falls, including new wearable devices for mobility and recovery after hip surgeries. 该活动旨在改善当地获得先进研究和干预的机会。 The event aims to improve local access to advanced research and interventions.