为了呼吁结束中东的敌对行动,抗议者封锁了伦敦市中心的一座桥梁。 To call for an end to hostilities in the Middle East, protesters have blocked a bridge in the heart of London.
亲巴勒斯坦示威者涌入伦敦,封锁了英国议会附近的道路,并与警察发生肢体冲突,以阻止他们在威斯敏斯特桥上游行。 Pro-Palestinian demonstrators flocked to London, closing down roads close to the British parliament and engaging in physical altercations with police to stop them from marching over Westminster Bridge. 示威者呼吁以色列和哈马斯立即停止敌对行动。 The demonstrators called for an immediate end to hostilities between Israel and Hamas. 伦敦频繁举行大规模抗议活动,要求以色列停止轰炸加沙。 Large-scale protests in London have been held frequently to demand that Israel stop bombarding Gaza. 由“英国黑人生命也是命”、“伦敦自由巴勒斯坦”、“巴勒斯坦青年运动”等多个草根团体组成的“自由巴勒斯坦联盟”组织了这次具体的示威活动。 The Free Palestine Coalition, which is composed of a number of grassroots groups like Black Lives Matter UK, London for a Free Palestine, and the Palestinian Youth Movement, organized this specific demonstration.