超过一万名亲巴勒斯坦支持者在伦敦游行,呼吁加沙立即停火。 Over 10,000 pro-Palestine supporters marched in London, calling for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.
周六,数千名亲巴勒斯坦支持者在伦敦游行,呼吁加沙立即停火。 Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters marched in London on Saturday, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. 这次游行由巴勒斯坦团结运动组织,在伦敦市中心举行,这是自 10 月 7 日哈马斯袭击以色列后以色列开始在加沙开展行动以来的第十次亲巴勒斯坦游行。 Organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the march took place in central London, marking the 10th pro-Palestinian march since Israel began its campaign in Gaza following the 7 October attacks on Israel by Hamas. 示威者从海德公园角游行至美国大使馆。 The demonstrators marched from Hyde Park Corner to the US Embassy.