数千名抗议者包围以色列驻约旦大使馆。 Thousands of protesters surround Israeli embassy in Jordan.
数千名抗议者在约旦以色列大使馆前集会,呼吁取消该国与以色列的和平条约并终止所有协议。 Thousands of protesters rallied in front of the Israeli embassy in Jordan, calling for the cancellation of the country's peace treaty with Israel and an end to all agreements. 他们还谴责以色列最近对加沙医院的袭击,并表示支持巴勒斯坦抵抗组织。 They also condemned recent Israeli attacks on hospitals in Gaza and expressed support for Palestinian resistance groups. 抗议者要求立即在加沙停火并关闭以色列驻约旦大使馆。 The protesters demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and closure of the Israeli embassy in Jordan.