在全球抗议日,数千人参加伦敦和其他城市的亲巴勒斯坦游行。 Thousands participate in pro-Palestinian marches in London and other cities on a global day of protest.
周六,包括儿童在内的数千人参加了伦敦和世界其他城市的亲巴勒斯坦游行,这是针对正在进行的以色列-哈马斯冲突全球行动日的一部分。 Thousands of people, including children, participated in pro-Palestinian marches across London and other cities worldwide on Saturday as part of a global day of action against the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. 示威活动的重点是加沙地带儿童的困境。 The demonstrations focused on the plight of children in the Gaza Strip. 伦敦游行是在巴黎、罗马、米兰和都柏林等欧洲城市举行的其他几场游行之一。 The London march was one of several others held in European cities, including Paris, Rome, Milan, and Dublin. 游行队伍中还出现了一个 3.5 米高的叙利亚儿童难民木偶,名为“小阿迈勒”,旨在凸显加沙儿童的苦难。 The marches also featured a 3.5-meter-tall puppet of a Syrian child refugee, known as Little Amal, which aims to highlight the suffering of children in Gaza.