父亲因从孩子的癌症筹款活动中窃取 25,000 欧元而被判处缓刑四年。 Father sentenced to suspended four years for stealing €25,000 from child's cancer fundraiser.
一名 43 岁的父亲在为孩子治疗癌症的筹款活动中窃取了约 25,000 欧元后,被判处四年缓刑。 A 43-year-old father received a suspended four-year sentence after stealing about €25,000 from a fundraising event for his child's cancer treatment. 他已经偿还了 20,000 欧元,必须在 9 个月内偿还剩余的 5,000 欧元。 He has repaid €20,000 and must pay back the remaining €5,000 over nine months. 法官在缓刑时考虑了他的合作和偿还资金的努力,以及他过去的吸毒情况。 The judge considered his cooperation and efforts to repay the funds, as well as his past drug use, in suspending the sentence.