都柏林的父亲因在购买酒精和毒品时将婴儿留在车里而被判处缓刑。 A Dublin father got a suspended sentence for leaving his baby in a car while buying alcohol and drugs.
在都柏林,一名35岁的父亲因在购买酒精和毒品时将其9个月大的孩子留在汽车里8小时以上而被判处两年缓刑。 A 35-year-old father in Dublin received a two-year suspended sentence for leaving his nine-month-old child in a car for over eight hours while buying alcohol and drugs. 婴儿在痛苦的状态下被发现,但完全康复了。 The baby was found in a distressed state but made a full recovery. 法官考虑了父亲的悔恨、早期认罪和过去暂停三年服刑的证词,也要求他继续接受戒毒治疗服务。 The judge considered the father's remorse, early guilty plea, and past testimonies in suspending the sentence for three years, also requiring him to continue attending addiction treatment services.