爱尔兰法院审查,如果中止的3年刑期与虐待儿童聊天小组组长的罪行相符。 Irish court reviews if a suspended three-year sentence fits crimes of a child abuse chat group leader.
爱尔兰上诉法院正在审查对管理虐待儿童信息小组的Anthony Ryan的缓刑3年监禁是否适当。 The Court of Appeal in Ireland is reviewing whether a suspended three-year prison sentence for Anthony Ryan, who administered a child abuse messaging group, is adequate. 瑞安在联调局揭发消息后 与数百个儿童色情图像一起被捕 并认罪 Ryan was caught with hundreds of child pornography images after an FBI tip-off and pleaded guilty. 国家辩称,由于材料的性质以及Ryan的参与,量刑更为严厉。 The State argues for a harsher sentence due to the nature of the material and Ryan's involvement. 法院将决定缓刑是否适当。 The court will decide if the suspended sentence was appropriate.