爱尔兰妇女因从已故母亲的养恤金基金中偷盗56 000欧元而被判处社区服务。 Irish woman sentenced to community service for stealing €56,000 from her dead mother's pension fund.
一名49岁的爱尔兰妇女Tracy Kelliher被命令从事120小时的社区服务,因为她从已故母亲的养老基金中偷窃56 000欧元。 A 49-year-old Irish woman, Tracy Kelliher, has been ordered to do 120 hours of community service for stealing €56,000 from her late mother's pension fund. 她的母亲是一位退休教师,于2014年去世,但Kelliher没有通知教育部,导致持续支付至2016年。 Her mother, a retired teacher, died in 2014, but Kelliher did not notify the Department of Education, leading to continued payments until 2016. Kelliher承认有罪,并说她用这笔钱支付丧葬费和个人开支。 Kelliher admitted guilt and said she used the money to cover funeral and personal expenses. 法官指出,这不是一种无受害人的犯罪,影响到养恤金领取者和纳税人,但是由于Kelliher没有定罪,而且再犯罪的风险较低,因此中止了刑期。 The judge noted this was not a victimless crime, affecting pensioners and taxpayers, but suspended a prison sentence due to Kelliher's lack of prior convictions and low risk of re-offending.