父亲因盗窃慈善基金被判处缓刑, Father sentenced to suspended jail time for stealing charity funds, repays most of €25,000.
一名43岁的父亲从他为治疗孩子的癌症而组织的慈善活动中偷取了大约25 000欧元,此后被判处缓刑4年。 A 43-year-old father received a suspended four-year sentence after stealing around €25,000 from a charity event he organized for his child's cancer treatment. 他已经偿还了20 000欧元,并被命令在九个月内偿还剩余的5 000欧元。 He has repaid €20,000 and is ordered to repay the remaining €5,000 over nine months. 法官注意到他为偿还钱款给予的合作和努力,从而导致缓刑。 The judge noted his cooperation and efforts to repay the money, leading to the suspension of the jail term.