53岁的Darren O'Brien被诊断患有运动神经元疾病,因偷窃价值8 000英镑的包裹供养家人,被判处16个月的缓刑徒刑。 53-year-old Darren O'Brien, diagnosed with motor neurone disease, received a suspended 16-month prison sentence for stealing £8,000 worth of parcels to support his family.
53岁的Darren O'Brien被诊断患有运动神经元疾病,因从Evri仓库偷窃价值8 000英镑的包裹,被判处缓刑16个月的徒刑。 Darren O'Brien, 53, diagnosed with motor neurone disease, received a suspended 16-month prison sentence for stealing £8,000 worth of parcels from an Evri depot. 他冒充信使,打算在圣诞节前在网上出售被盗物品,以养家糊口。 Caught posing as a courier, he intended to sell the stolen items online to support his family before Christmas. 由于健康状况恶化,法官将刑期暂停两年,警告说,任何进一步的罪行都可能导致监禁。 Due to his declining health, the judge suspended the sentence for two years, warning that any further offenses could lead to imprisonment. O'Brien有43个前科 O'Brien has 43 prior convictions.