美国通货膨胀上升,原因是杂货和天然气价格上涨,对美联储造成压力。 U.S. inflation rises due to higher grocery and gas prices, pressuring the Federal Reserve.
美国的通货膨胀上个月因食品和汽油价格上涨而上升,这增加了美联储为避免降低利率而面临的压力。 Inflation in the U.S. increased last month due to higher prices for groceries and gasoline, adding pressure on the Federal Reserve to avoid lowering interest rates. 基本物品成本上升可能会影响美联储的货币政策,可能导致采取更加谨慎的措施应对通货膨胀问题。 The rise in costs for essential items is likely to influence the Federal Reserve's monetary policies, potentially leading to more cautious measures to tackle inflation.