在能源成本的推动下,美国 12 月通胀率升至 2.9%,给美联储的利率带来压力。 US inflation rose to 2.9% in December, driven by energy costs, pressuring the Fed on interest rates.
2024 年 12 月,美国消费者价格上涨了 2.9%,这是通胀连续第三个月上升。 US consumer prices increased by 2.9% in December 2024, marking the third consecutive month of rising inflation. 能源成本(包括汽油价格飙升 4.4%)是主要驱动因素。 Energy costs, including a 4.4% surge in gasoline prices, were key drivers. 剔除波动较大的食品和能源价格后,核心通胀率年率放缓至 3.2%,月度上涨 0.2%。 Core inflation, excluding volatile food and energy prices, slowed to 3.2% annually and rose 0.2% monthly. 整体消费者价格的上涨增加了美联储重新考虑降息的压力,因为通胀率仍高于美联储 2% 的目标。 The increase in overall consumer prices adds pressure on the Federal Reserve to reconsider interest rate cuts, with inflation remaining above the Fed's 2% target.