印度发起了其最大的石油和天然气投标回合,以提高国内生产和减少进口。 India launches its largest oil and gas bid round to boost domestic production and reduce imports.
印度启动了最大的石油和天然气投标回合OALP-X,提供了25个区块,覆盖1.91万平方公里,主要在近海地区,以提高国内产量和减少进口。 India launched its largest oil and gas bid round, OALP-X, offering 25 blocks covering 1.91 lakh square kilometers, mainly in offshore areas, to boost domestic production and reduce imports. 这项活动与印度能源周同时举行,届时将讨论能源过渡和安全问题。 The event coincides with the India Energy Week, where discussions on energy transition and security will take place. 政府的目标是吸引更多的公司利用收入分享模式和降低特许权使用费率来发展印度的上游部门。 The government aims to attract more companies to develop India's upstream sector using a revenue-sharing model and reduced royalty rates. 本轮投标比上一轮(OALP-IX)大近40%,包括以前被定为“禁区”的地区。 This bid round is nearly 40% larger than the previous one, OALP-IX, and includes areas previously designated as 'No-Go' zones.