印度发起近海矿物拍卖,以保障资源、减少进口和促进产业。 India launches offshore mineral auction to secure resources, reduce imports, and boost industries.
印度将于11月28日发起首场近海矿物区块拍卖, 在阿拉伯海和安达曼海提供13个区块。 India will launch its first offshore mineral block auction on November 28, offering 13 blocks in the Arabian Sea and Andaman Sea. 拍卖包括建筑砂、石灰泥和多金属结核等对基础设施、高科技制造和绿色能源至关重要的矿物。 The auction includes minerals like construction sand, lime mud, and polymetallic nodules, crucial for infrastructure, high-tech manufacturing, and green energy. 这一行动旨在获得国内矿产资源,减少对进口的依赖,稳定供应链,并得到《近海地区矿物法》修正案的支持。 This move aims to secure domestic mineral resources, reduce import dependence, and stabilize supply chains, supported by an amendment to the Offshore Areas Mineral Act.