印度对近海矿物块进行首次电子拍卖,以促进自力更生和吸引投资。 India conducts first e-auction of offshore mineral blocks to boost self-reliance and attract investment.
印度首次对近海矿物区块进行了电子拍卖,目的是促进自力更生和吸引外国投资。 India held its first e-auction of offshore mineral blocks, aiming to boost self-reliance and attract foreign investment. 拍卖包括喀拉拉邦、古吉拉特邦和大尼科巴群岛沿岸的13个地点,提供砂、石灰泥和多金属结核等矿物。 The auction includes 13 sites off the coasts of Kerala, Gujarat, and the Great Nicobar Islands, offering minerals like sand, lime mud, and polymetallic nodules. 在拍卖之后,对2002年的一项法案进行了修正,对近海资源实行透明的投标程序。 The auction follows an amendment to a 2002 act to introduce a transparent bidding process for offshore resources.