英国税收制度的复杂程度上升,使数十亿企业付出了代价,并给高棉和高棉省的预算造成压力。 UK tax system complexity rises, costing businesses billions and straining HMRC's budget.
联合王国的税收制度越来越昂贵和复杂,从2019-20年到2023-24年,HMRC的行政费用增加了5.63亿英镑,达到43亿英镑。 The UK's tax system is becoming more costly and complex, with HMRC's administrative expenses rising by £563 million since 2019-20 to £4.3 billion in 2023-24. 企业每年在遵守税法方面花费大约154亿英镑,小企业在数字自我评估方面面临特殊挑战。 Businesses spend about £15.4 billion annually on tax compliance, and small businesses face particular challenges with digital self-assessment. 国家税务局报告说服务水平差,要求简化税收,以降低成本和提高效率。 The NAO reports poor service levels and calls for tax simplification to reduce costs and improve efficiency. HMRC旨在使其系统现代化,但面临技术困难和费用超支。 The HMRC aims to modernize its systems but faces technical difficulties and cost overruns.